In the beginning, there’s relationship. Social constructionism, one of the foundations of AI, posits that we co-create our worlds of meaning in relation with others. Therefore, it is not surprising that the authors in this section each highlight the central importance of establishing the relational context for large-scale change efforts. As Diana Whitney sees it, “getting started with a large scale effort is a consulting process. It is about making a relationship, exploring possibilities and together deciding to go forward.” But how does that happen in practice? In this section, we begin to explore the myriad ways that relationships that generate and support large-scale inquiries are established and cultivated. The section concludes with a provocative, introspective reflection on the subtle, often hidden-from-view questions and dynamics involved in that process. Read More
Source: Secrets To Initiating and Contracting For Successful Large Inquiries: Establishing Relational Context: Published by AI Practitioner (2006): 6-8. Web. May 2006. Diana Whitney, Ph.D., Bernard J. Mohr and Stephen P. Fitzgerald.